Baal Anand

Baal Anand 2014-15

Feeding the hungry, donating presents to the poor, and performing errands for the elderly are all ways that we can sensitize our children towards the community and to teach them to value the life god has gifted them. Such activities will serve them now and years later in their transition out of school and into the adult world!

Keeping in mind these factors students of Chembur English Primary School are encouraged to do activities for the society. One of the program done this year was visit to an orphanage. Students of Std. 4th were taken to Bal Anand, an orphanage in Ghatla Village Chembur. During the visit our students interacted with these children and organized entertainment programs for them. They also carried unused clothes and snacks for these children. We could see a bonding taking place between the lesser fortunate and our children.

We also observed that after visit to the orphanage, children were more sober and reflected a sense of gratitude towards their surrounding and people.

Baal Anand 2013-14